Friday, February 27, 2009

22 Weeks

We Continue To Grow

So I'm 22 weeks now (19 weeks in this photo) and I wonder where all the time has gone. Last week, Thursday I was scheduled for my 21 week ultrasound. We couldn't have been more excited, this is the ultrasound that allows us to see what gender our baby bean is! Well, here we are at 22 weeks and we still don't know what we're having. After a wonderful 20 minute ultrasound the babies legs weren't spread apart enough to give our Doctor the confidence to say whether we were having a boy or girl.

Due to the lack of seeing boy parts she's going with a guess that it's a girl at this point. As she said," If I were to guess I would say with only 70% accuracy it's a girl. So if you buy girl clothes don't take the tags off!" So at this rate I can't say we're too settled saying it's a girl. Thankfully we have another ultrasound scheduled in about 9 weeks. We pray little baby bean will be more cooperative then.

Even though we didn't find out with certainty what we're having it was so very fun to watch our little one moving around. We could see baby trying to suck it's fingers, we watched it opening and closing it's mouth, saw how it's little face has developed since our 10 week ultrasound. I must say it brought me to tears to see how much our little one is growing.

I felt the baby move for the first time at 17 weeks. It felt like little bubbles popping inside my belly. It was very settle but I loved it. Now I feel it every day and Randy can actually feel the baby move! That was great, I love that Randy can now be more a part of this experience.

Baby 70%

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Colorado Trip

So Randy & I were lucky enough to get some time off work last week to go out and visit some of my family. My brother, Peter and his family live in Pueblo, CO and his wife was due to have their 4th baby last week. So Randy & I made the 16 hour drive and got to spend 5 days or so out there with them. We enjoyed being able to play with our niece and nephews, visit with Peter & Kristin, enjoy some hiking and spend time with our dog, Winston.
Uncle Randy, Solomon, Zeke & Mary Jane

Peter & Kristin

Randy & Winston

Randy & I just had a nice time visiting with each other and taking time looking forward to the excitement this next year has in store for us. We are excited to be in town in the next couple weeks which will probably be our last visit to Indy till June. Randy & I hope to save extra time to take off when the baby is born. Remember July 3rd... that means you all should have some Holiday time to get out of town and visit us and our new addition over the 4th of July -come see us!

So exactly a week after our arrival to Colorado to visit our family my sister in-law gave birth to baby #4, Eliana Joy Nevins on February 5th. Ella is just as beautiful as all her other siblings. I can't wait to see her this spring. So join me in welcoming Ella to this world.