I'm sitting here in the living room with our girls realizing we only have tomorrow left with them. This is a very bittersweet time for Randy & I. Although we are certain of being in the presence of God's Will for our lives with our move to St. Louis, we are also sad to be leaving these girls that the Lord has brought us to minister to for the past year.
Relationships have developed, love has been fostered, learning has taken place and the Lord has been ever present. We thank you all for keeping up on us this past year and lifting us up in prayer. There have been some difficult moments and moments of pure joy and laughter. We wouldn't trade this past year for anything. We have grown to love these girls with the Lords love and look forward to developing new relationships with them outside of being their Family Teachers.
We have been blessed to participate in some fun experiences in the past couple weeks such as graduation and Memorial Day. Here are some pictures of our time.
-2009 Mooseheart Graduation-

Our 2009 Graduate, Addy
-Memorial Day Weekend with Oregon Girls-