It was a Saturday night, and I had come down with the horrible sinus cold. Randy had wanted for us to go downtown to see the monument circle all lit up for Christmas. Well, Mother Nature wouldn’t allow it. We had horrible winds Friday which blew the lights down and out. They wouldn’t be able to repair it till Tuesday of the following week. So we went about our business on Saturday. Randy’s funeral homes have a Christmas Memorial Candle Light Service every Christmas. So after he went into work Saturday morning (really he was meeting with my dad asking for my hand in marriage) we got ready to go attend these services. After that we went to New Castles Christmas Home Tour. Toured these beautiful homes all decorated for Christmas and then finished the evening with dinner and a stop at the store for more cold medicine for sick-o Hannah. We made it back to his house and I went to the restroom so could put Vaseline on my nose that had become so raw from blowing it all week long. I came out of the restroom and Randy comes walking to me still dressed in his suit, so handsome! I held my hands up and told him, “I’m just warning you, I just put Vaseline on my nose and I look pretty nasty!” He pulls me in to hug me and tells me, “You could never look nasty, you’re always beautiful. (Pause) You know all those homes we saw tonight were beautiful and I know my house doesn’t look like those, but I like my house. It’s just missing one thing…” I said, “YEAH, it’s missing me!” He chuckled and said, “Yes, it is missing you. Maybe I should do something about that.” Then Randy whispered in my ear, “Hannah will you marry me?” I replied with, “Yes, of course I’ll marry you… you know I’ll marry you.” At this point not realizing he’s serious. Until he pulls out of the hug and starts reaching into his pocket, I backed up and started flailing my arms screaming in my very horse voice, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” He shows me the ring and I started crying… at this point I have mascara streaming down my face along with snot and Vaseline from my nose.” Pretty picture, right? Hahaha… and that’s our story. We got married May 18th @ Castle View Baptist and I am so excited to be Mrs. Hannah Riggs!
I love you two so much!!! I can't believe it's almost been a year! I wish you years of a happy marriage & life together!!
love, Steph
I love this story!! I am so happy to have you as my sister-in-law. Randy is one lucky guy. We love you both.
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