Okay, so I'm having trouble focusing tonight. Where to start? I guess I'll start with our Church search. Randy mentioned on our last post that we were excited to visit Community Christian Church in Naperville (YellowBox). We ended up visiting this past Saturday Night at their Saturday Night Service. We were definitely impressed with Pastor Tim Southerland to say the least. Next we went to visit The Orchard (http://www.orchardvalleyonline.com/) in Aurora Sunday morning where we also were impressed with many aspects of their service. So clearly the Lord is providing in regards to finding a church to get plugged into. Neither one could/will take the place of First Church but will do.
Training has been rather interesting. Although Randy & I are the only ones going through training this quarter here at Mooseheart that doesn't mean we're alone. We have been accompanied by a man & woman from Bulgaria who are seeking knowledge about Moosehearts program to take back home and implement at their orphanages in Bulgaria. Neither one speak English so they have accompanying them a translator. So Randy & I have had to learn to tune out another conversation going on at the same time during training in a whole different language.
There is a lot of information to obtain during training but all of it is very interesting and has been rather easy to grasp. I'm finding the biggest struggle is retraining myself to be truly aware of my words and what I'm saying as many ears are listening in and hanging on my every "teaching" word. We are truly being taught how to "teach to behaviors" good and bad. Praise the youth for all the positive they do and find ways to praise them in moments of correction while also giving them understanding as to why their actions may not be beneficial in life.

SO glad to get an update of what is happening there with the both of you.
Please know that you are in my prayers. God is doing a mighty work in your lives right now! Isn't that exciting to know!?
Miss you. A lot!
Wow! You guys have been in our thoughts. Glad for the up date. Hang in there!
So nice to hear an update! I miss you two and I know this is a huge life changing experience for you both.
best of luck always, I love you!
Randy and Hannah,
I'm glad I found your blog so now I can stay in touch. We pray that you both do well and enjoy your new job. I'm sure it will be quite a challenge, but one where you can be so helpful.
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