So I feel there is a lot to catch all of you up on. so I'll go date by date.
May 24th
Mooseheart Graduation. Oregon home had one graduate this year. Her fun personality has been missed by all and we are excited to see where her future takes her.
That afternoon our home entertained Oregon Moose members for lunch. The girls did a great job expressing their appreciation to the Moose members and all that they provide us to keep our house up and running. The Moose members presented the house with and their state flag.
This is the whole gang except for our graduate and one other girl who went home for the weekend, this particular weekend.
May 27th
We had a new addition to our house this day. Some of you may remember that we asked for prayer as our house adjusted to a new youth in the home. She put forth a good effort and we look forward to her return this fall as she is visiting with her grandmother this summer. 

June 13th
RANDY'S 27th BIRTHDAY! We enjoyed a Friday night celebration with few friends at Mooseheart at the Roundhouse in Aurora, . We had a great evening having dinner, watching a stand up act and then enjoyed some live music in their outdoor garden/patio.

June 14th
Batavia Moose lodge put on a fishing clinic for all the youth at Mooseheart at our lake. So we took all the girls to go fishing for the day and believe it or not ALL girls fished and caught a fish; multiple times! All the girls got to keep the fishing poles so you can trust we will make many more trips across campus to the lake so Randy can get in his man activity as he's dominated by much girly time.
Batavia Moose lodge put on a fishing clinic for all the youth at Mooseheart at our lake. So we took all the girls to go fishing for the day and believe it or not ALL girls fished and caught a fish; multiple times! All the girls got to keep the fishing poles so you can trust we will make many more trips across campus to the lake so Randy can get in his man activity as he's dominated by much girly time.

I love the update! You guys are so busy and I miss you so much! I'm so happy that the girls are adjusting well and that the both of you are happy!
love ya,
Hey Hannah! I found your blog on Facebook and I loved reading about the work you and Randy are doing. So cool. Glad you're loving this new chapter in your life!
Perhaps you have read the July 14/21 World. I thought this article pertained to your discussion and it's what I thought to be the case but just confirmed my thoughts.
"MIT economist John Gruber last year confirmed that Roosevelt succeeded in having New Deal governmental programs crowd out private giving. '"Church relief made up 90 percent of the income of the poor before the New Deal." Gruber found that church and charitable giving held up well in 1929 after the stock market crash and did not drop until 1933 when the New Deal began. Then and only then did church spending for charitable purposes fall by one third"'.
I think this was the beginning of the church losing its effectiveness in providing for the poor. The whole article is a good read! We (your parents) grew up in a generation who knew nothing different that the government taking care of things and your generation probably even more so. But it appears that your generation is having an awakening to what used to be and a desire to return to it. I personally believe it is not the government's responsiblity and I think if you read that article it will give a glimpse of how I think it actually 'demotivates' people to take care of the hurting when the government moves in to do it. I pray the tide can be turned back. I believe it would certainly be much more effective and when the church gives there are benefits on so many levels. The most significant being the love of Christ shown, but there is also a face to face that helps people to be 'accountable' and help in actually getting them back on their feet - a walking along side.
Okay, enough said :)!
Okay, so I don't know how to do this :). I put the comment in the wrong place. It is now where it should be so you can ignore the 'book' I wrote in the wrong place :).
Anything new happenin'?
Miss you guys!
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