Okay, so I'm going to make another post however this might be my last cause no one appears as interested in my posts as they do Randy's (look at the ammount of comments, I mean the lack of comments).

So a couple weeks ago Randy & I were able to make a trip up to Michigan to visit with our friends back home for the 4th. We had a great time visiting and relaxing on lake Michigan. The first day we enjoyed kicking back and hanging at the beach, floating on the lake, kayaking & flying kites... yes flying kites! OH AND SAILING!!!

That afernoon we took a dune buggy ride and finished the evening with a camp fire on the beach and repeated the day after.

well, for the record, i am very interested in your posts, i check every day to see if you guys have written anything. i just dont comment because i (as usual) have nothing intelligent to say on the matter. but i like when you write things, hannah!!
I second Dale's emotion...I check your blog every day too. Ya'll need to post more often :) Anywho...my comments are. You are smokin' hot. Campfires ROCK. Flying kites - awesome. Time spent with friends - we all should do it more often!
Love ya! Hugs!
Randy stinks!
I enjoy your posts, so keep sending them. We love to fly kites on the beach and campfires and just being with friends is the best!! We mis you both. Love Ya!!
Don't let the lack of comments stop you from posting! (If that were the case, my blog would've died a long time ago!)*sigh*
I pop by everyday to see what's new in your lives, mainly because I miss you guys like crazy (!) and then there's the thing about me just being plain nosy - wondering what you're up to!
I'll do better at leaving comments (especially when Hannah blogs!).
Praying for you!
Thanks Troy!
yeah, Randy's lame - I'll boycott his posts for awhile :-)
Yea, no one comments on mine either, but then again, I hardly ever write anything! As everyone has already said though, I, too, check to see if there have been any updates in the life of the Riggs, so keep them coming! :-)
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