So I realized we are way too close to Christmas and I haven't even let you all know how our Thanksgiving was. As some of you may know Randy & I have every Thursday & Friday off, those are our two days a week in which we don't work. Well as you all know Thanksgiving fell on a Thursday a couple weeks ago. We requested to work Thanksgiving so that we could spend the day with our girls. We were so blessed to have this time with them.
We had a writer from the International Moose Lodge request to spend the day at our home. He wanted to write an article in next months Moose magazine as to what Thanksgiving meant to us and what traditions we had. I would encourage you all to read about it on Moosehearts web site,
One of our girls building a tower of cheese before it melts away in our home made Mac 'n Cheese.
The girls suggested we create a chain of links. We wrote on each link things that we are thankful for. A few things listed were.... Make up, Family, Hot Water, Friends, Mooseheart, Food, TV, Beds, Thanksgiving Meal and on.

This past Tuesday, December 8th Randy & I had our first ultrasound. It was such a beautiful miracle to see, it was hard to hold back the tears. Here is baby Riggs debut.
10 weeks and 4 days

Baby Riggs due date has been changed to July 3rd. After they measured the baby out it was measuring smaller then 11 weeks. So it looks like we'll be having a July 4th ish baby! Good news is you all should have time off work around then to come up and see us and our new little one. *smile* We expect and hope for visitors.

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