Hello Blog Followers!
So as some of you know Randy & I have just recently made a move from Mooseheart, IL to St. Louis, MO. So with the move we feel it's only fitting to start a new blog page. This will keep you all up on our work in Urban Ministry here in St. Louis, MO with World Impact. I may keep this blog going for personal updates with the baby and such but if you would like to follow our ministry work please do so at www.riggsstlouis.wordpress.com
Again we can't thank you enough for your support, love, prayer and interest in our past year of ministry and hope that as you view our new blog you will have a better understanding of what God is doing in our life. We praise the Lord for each and everyone of you and look forward to continuing this relationships with you all from a distance. Oh and we LOVE visitors if any of you want to make a trip to St. Louis! *wink*wink*
Friday, June 5, 2009
"Times They Are A Changing"
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Our Time Is Near

Our 2009 Graduate, Addy
-Memorial Day Weekend with Oregon Girls-

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
May Happenings

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Need a Hobby?
So I would say about 5 months ago I found myself in desperate need of a hobby. One that didn't cost a fortune, didn't take up a lot of space and that I could enjoy any time of the year. I chose crocheting. I know that makes me sound like I'm a boring 70 year old woman but I wanted to give it a try. I was fortunate enough to have had Sarah Nelson, a friend back home, stop in to visit us the same day I decided to pick up this new hobby and she was able to show me a simple crochet stitch.

Lap Blanket for my Granny
Cuddle Blanket for my niece, Mary Jane

Scarf for Randy
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 7:56 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
The BIG 2-7!
26 years ago... man life was good!

So we arrived around lunch time and enjoyed a nice lunch in the resturant at the lodge. Took a nice hour walk around the state park grounds and then Randy had scheduled a prenatal message for me that afternoon. I had the most amazing hour and a half prenatal massage that was heaven sent! I only wish Randy could have experienced it with me. After a nice relaxing massage we went for a dip in the pool and ended the night with a nice dinner.
The next day we ventured out for a 2 hour hike which ended up kicking my butt the next day. I never understood what pregnant woman were saying when they talked about being short of breath and exhausted after a walk at the mall. Well, NOW i get it. I was pooped by the end of the day, but it was so worth it to be in the beautiful 70 degree weather enjoying the outdoors with my husband.
Here are some pictures from my Birthday get away. Thank you again babe for taking time to think of me and create a wonderful 27th Birthday for me. I love you!

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 6:17 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
March Madness

-These two are two of our higher achieving girls in the home, sophmore & junior-
-This is one of our freshman and her date-

-This is our one senior and her Military date-
As some of you know we have been taking our girls off campus for Church once a month to Trinity Church in Naperville. Randy & I have been blessed to become friends with Trinity's Youth Pastor and his wife, Matt & Cara. They are also expecting, due a couple months after us with their third child. This Church has taken great interest in not only our Oregon Home girls but of all youth here at Mooseheart. Matt & his wife Cara are the one's who put together a New Year's Eve party here on campus with our kids and their youth group kids.
They have just recently announced to us that along with the help of another carring memeber in their church, Sally Trinity's youth group girls have raised money to take our girls rock climbing at an indoor facility this weekend. We are so excited as well as our girls. We praise the Lord for this outside interest, care, love and support for our ministry here at Mooseheart. If you would pray with Randy & I that this activity allows for an oppurtnity for our girls to connect with these youth group girls.
We also have a spiritual update on our girls to share with you all and ask prayer for. After visiting Trinity Church this past Sunday and witnessing a baptism a couple of our girls voiced interest in being baptised. As you can imagine this excited Randy & I as we see a clear opening to see where these girls are exactly, in a spiritual sense. Pray that these two girls will continue to open up to us and learn more about the Lords love and grace through us and Trinity Church.
Blessings from the Riggs + baby
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
22 Weeks

So I'm 22 weeks now (19 weeks in this photo) and I wonder where all the time has gone. Last week, Thursday I was scheduled for my 21 week ultrasound. We couldn't have been more excited, this is the ultrasound that allows us to see what gender our baby bean is! Well, here we are at 22 weeks and we still don't know what we're having. After a wonderful 20 minute ultrasound the babies legs weren't spread apart enough to give our Doctor the confidence to say whether we were having a boy or girl.
Due to the lack of seeing boy parts she's going with a guess that it's a girl at this point. As she said," If I were to guess I would say with only 70% accuracy it's a girl. So if you buy girl clothes don't take the tags off!" So at this rate I can't say we're too settled saying it's a girl. Thankfully we have another ultrasound scheduled in about 9 weeks. We pray little baby bean will be more cooperative then.
Even though we didn't find out with certainty what we're having it was so very fun to watch our little one moving around. We could see baby trying to suck it's fingers, we watched it opening and closing it's mouth, saw how it's little face has developed since our 10 week ultrasound. I must say it brought me to tears to see how much our little one is growing.
I felt the baby move for the first time at 17 weeks. It felt like little bubbles popping inside my belly. It was very settle but I loved it. Now I feel it every day and Randy can actually feel the baby move! That was great, I love that Randy can now be more a part of this experience.

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Colorado Trip

Randy & Winston
Randy & I just had a nice time visiting with each other and taking time looking forward to the excitement this next year has in store for us. We are excited to be in town in the next couple weeks which will probably be our last visit to Indy till June. Randy & I hope to save extra time to take off when the baby is born. Remember July 3rd... that means you all should have some Holiday time to get out of town and visit us and our new addition over the 4th of July -come see us!
So exactly a week after our arrival to Colorado to visit our family my sister in-law gave birth to baby #4, Eliana Joy Nevins on February 5th. Ella is just as beautiful as all her other siblings. I can't wait to see her this spring. So join me in welcoming Ella to this world.

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 3:19 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Christmas & New Years

We hope you all have a blessed New Year!
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 10:19 AM 0 comments