So I would say about 5 months ago I found myself in desperate need of a hobby. One that didn't cost a fortune, didn't take up a lot of space and that I could enjoy any time of the year. I chose crocheting. I know that makes me sound like I'm a boring 70 year old woman but I wanted to give it a try. I was fortunate enough to have had Sarah Nelson, a friend back home, stop in to visit us the same day I decided to pick up this new hobby and she was able to show me a simple crochet stitch.
I took this project out to the girls to show them what I decided to take up and much to my surprise about 3-4 of our girls said, "I know how to crochet, I want to join!" So for the past 3 months it's become a house activity. I love it because not only does it bring us all together but it's something we can do while holding great conversation. It was a great distraction from turning on the TV. Although many have gotten bored with my new found hobby I'm still truckin' away and get so excited for each new project. Here are a few pictures of what I've been able to accomplish.
Baby Blanket #1 for my cousins little girl, Ava Cook.

Lap Blanket for my Granny
Cuddle Blanket for my niece, Mary Jane
Baby Blanket #3 for my niece, Ella Nevins

Scarf for Randy
Awesome Hannah. I think Randy used to know how to crochet, or was that David? lol
I think this is a great hobby (no, it doesn't make you sound like a 70 yr old granny!)!
I've been exploring the hobby of knitting and making some dishcloths (an easy first project!).
All of your creations are beautiful!
It was great seeing you this past weekend.
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