This is my Christmas wish to each and everyone of you. That this song and scene would replay over and over again in our hearts this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2008
"Labor of Love"
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Before Christmas Get's Here...
So I realized we are way too close to Christmas and I haven't even let you all know how our Thanksgiving was. As some of you may know Randy & I have every Thursday & Friday off, those are our two days a week in which we don't work. Well as you all know Thanksgiving fell on a Thursday a couple weeks ago. We requested to work Thanksgiving so that we could spend the day with our girls. We were so blessed to have this time with them.
We had a writer from the International Moose Lodge request to spend the day at our home. He wanted to write an article in next months Moose magazine as to what Thanksgiving meant to us and what traditions we had. I would encourage you all to read about it on Moosehearts web site,
One of our girls building a tower of cheese before it melts away in our home made Mac 'n Cheese.
The girls suggested we create a chain of links. We wrote on each link things that we are thankful for. A few things listed were.... Make up, Family, Hot Water, Friends, Mooseheart, Food, TV, Beds, Thanksgiving Meal and on.

This past Tuesday, December 8th Randy & I had our first ultrasound. It was such a beautiful miracle to see, it was hard to hold back the tears. Here is baby Riggs debut.
10 weeks and 4 days

Baby Riggs due date has been changed to July 3rd. After they measured the baby out it was measuring smaller then 11 weeks. So it looks like we'll be having a July 4th ish baby! Good news is you all should have time off work around then to come up and see us and our new little one. *smile* We expect and hope for visitors.

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Baby Riggs
October 23, 2008: 10:08pm
Randy & I had just come home from Target after I carefully selected "the right" pregnancy test. I carefully read all the instructions and rushed myself to the bathroom. The next 3 minutes Randy & I were leaning over the bathroom sink waiting for that life changing moment. Would it read, "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant? Before we knew it our 3 minutes were up and the test read, "PREGNANT"! I couldn't believe it, we are actually pregnant! I quickly responded as I did when Randy proposed. I backed up into the hallway away from the test and started flailing my arms and squealing... quickly followed by tears as Randy continued to stare at the test over the sink. We quickly hugged and praised the Lord for blessing us with such a beautiful gift.

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 7:33 AM 5 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Autumn Is Here!
I also love that this Autumn brings the end of this election year. Inspite of the excitement that this election year has brought I must say I'm ready for this to be over. I love that I've been able to follow this election year of firsts; Hillary Clinton as the first female to have a legitimate chance to win the Presidency, Obama as the first black person to hold a major parties nomination for President and Sarah Palin as the first female running as the Republican parties Vice President.

We woke up at 5am on our day off and drove 2 in a half hours to this little town of Cedarburg, WI with a population of 11,298. The town was not expecting more then around 3,000 to come out and support the McCain/Palin rally that day. This charming town had over 6,000 more then they expected that people were miles down the street just hoping to catch a glimps of McCain and Palin. It was such a site and I'm so glad Randy drug me out of bed for it.

So Autumn may not be your favorite season but what things do you look forward to in the Fall?
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Blessings from God
We continue to find ourselves blessed here at Mooseheart. We are working with these 10 girls and among the daily frustrations of balancing school, home work, athletics, outings, house hold chores and relationship building among all 10 girls we can't help but count our blessings.
- Randy & I have the blessing of spending our days together.
- Daily we see these girls changing their family tree for the better because of their success here at Mooseheart.
- We have down time in which we can fellowship with other Family Teachers/believers here on campus.
- God conintues to develop us in new and exciting ways.
- We don't drive often so we are protected from dealing directly with the crisis in our economy at this time in the way of gas.
- The Lord provides for us a balanced meal 3 times a day and then some.
- One day Mooseheart will provide a way for me to work and be a stay at home mom.
- The Lord has been good to us and allowed us time off to be with family and friends for important events in life.
- We continue to see God bringing believers to Mooseheart and I are so excited to see what the Lord does with all of us here.
- We have been so blessed to have many visitors from home, that we miss dearly, come up to campus and visit us.
What things are you thankful for? In what ways is God blessing you in your life that all too often get over looked?
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Randy has new blog!
Just a note to let everyone know that I am starting a new blog at Hannah and I will continue to use this blog to keep everyone updated on our life at Mooseheart and general news in our lives. My new blog will be focused on the discussion of fighting the injustices of the world. I'm just getting it started but feel free to check it out!
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
My First Half Marathon
Many of you know that I've been training for the Chicago Half Marathon. Over the last few months I have run a few 5k races in the Chicago area and have been doing as much running, biking, and strength training as possible to train for it. I was doing really well at first but then the last few weeks of training I kind of slacked off a little bit so I wasn't sure how it was going to go. The half marathon (13.1 miles) was this past Sunday in downtown Chicago. It also happened to be the rainiest weekend on record in Chicago with 10 inches of rainfall. It rained the entire race so it was somewhat miserable, but I finished and beat my goal time. I had hoped to run it in 2 hours and 10 minutes and my actual time was 2 hrs. 4 mins. and 31 secs. so I was really happy with that. Unfortunately because the weather was so bad Hannah wasn't able to get pictures so I am going to be ordering some that were taken by a company at different points along the race. I will put those up when we get them. I hope to run the Indy Mini-marathon in May and my long term goal is to train for the Chicago Marathon (26.2 miles) next October!
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 7:58 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The End of Summer
Another update anyone?
All in all we had a wonderful time. We ended each evening by watching the Olympics. We just had a very nice restful time relaxing and bonding with the girls and were greatful for safe travels. Oh! While Randy & I were in Green Bay we recieved the news that we are now approved drivers. So we helped our co-worker by driving home from the trip.
Water Balloon Toss

The rest of the weekend we hung out and visited with the other homes from campus, had a camp fire and roasted some marshmallows, went to Church in Lincoln, went swimming at a lake in Clinton and just had a great time. So summer is officially over now and school has started. Now we have girls volleyball and football games to look forward to. Autumn here we come!
Some have requested photos of our quarters and house on the inside. So stay posted and we'll try to get that taken care of. Well I know this was quiet a general update. Randy tends to be better at giving detail so maybe he can post the next post. We thank you all for your continued prayers and support and look forward to catching up with all of you in the near future.
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 9:18 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Update by Randy!
One of the things that has been consuming our time lately is running. Hannah and I are both training for races on September 14th in Chicago. I will be running the half marathon and Hannah is going to be running the 5k. We have been training with Mark and Rebekah, some friends of ours here at Mooseheart. As part of that training we have been running in some local 5k's. The area where we live is pretty active and running is huge in this area. It seems like there is a 5k in the area just about every week. It's definitely been nice to be able to be more active. It's been a lot of fun so far, but 13.1 miles is still pretty intimidating. If anyone wants to come up on that weekend to cheer us on let us know!

Mark and I proudly wearing
our t-shirts from our first 5k,
the Windmill Whirl in Batavia.

A couple of weekends ago we were able to take the Oregon Home girls to Wisconsin Dells for a weekend of camping and waterpark fun! Special thanks to the Wisconsin Moose Association who paid for Mooseheart Day at Noah's Ark, the world's largest waterpark. We had a great time and it was just another example of the extreme generosity of the Loyal Order of Moose.

Trying on some pretty cool hats at one of the shops in Wisconsin Dells.
Bible but didn't really read it because she had a hard time understanding it. She brought her Bible to me for me to see and even though it was a fairly modern translation it is very difficult for our girls who have no church background at all to make sense of what they read. Our students are also on average a year behind where they should be academically so that just adds to the problem. We just found out this week that Hannah's mom has ordered The Message paraphrase bible for each of our girls and want to thank her for that!
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
July 4th, 2008

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 8:07 PM 8 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
July 7th, 2008

We were also able to visit with Randy's old co-workers at his Hinsey-Brown boss's surprise 40th Birthday party. It was so wonderful to share with them how our ministry at Mooseheart is going. Randy checkes the obits often to see how they are doing. Although he has changed profession his heart is still with them and we pray for God's blessing on Hinsey-Brown. Happy 40th Kevin!
I admit it was difficult for me to re-adjust to life back at Mooseheart after such a great visit home. The Lord has been great to us and provided us with wonderful friends right off the bat. I just find myself home sick for our Church and Church family. I just have to keep reminding myself that this home sickness for our Church is the very reason we are here. To share with these girls what that would/could feel like. To find a love that's so great they don't know how to live without it. The love of the Lord that never fails and grace that is new every day.
Please continue to be in prayer with us that we may see every opportunity to show Gods love to these girls. That we would find a church off campus that would fill a void in their lives that they can't help but desire the Lord to be a part of their lives. Also pray that we would be able to implement more activities into the home that would image the Lord, i.e. Christian video's, bible study, prayer time.
On that note; I know some of you have been asking if there is anything the girls here are in need of that you could buy and donate. In all honesty these girls have their every need provided for. However, if you would want to help in regards to our minstry here we would like to have a bible for each girl here at the house for their use, The Message translation that is. The girls have access to Bible's but have a very difficult time understanding even the more modern translations, as they have no background to base their reading on. One of the girls just recently made this complaint to us and we would like to make something available to them that would encourage them to read. We have a total of nine girls in the home. Also we would love to start a collection of Nooma video's by Rob Bell to watch with the girls and any teen girl related devotionals or books (even fiction would be great).
Posted by Hannah Riggs at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Update by Hannah
So I feel there is a lot to catch all of you up on. so I'll go date by date.
May 24th
Mooseheart Graduation. Oregon home had one graduate this year. Her fun personality has been missed by all and we are excited to see where her future takes her.

Batavia Moose lodge put on a fishing clinic for all the youth at Mooseheart at our lake. So we took all the girls to go fishing for the day and believe it or not ALL girls fished and caught a fish; multiple times! All the girls got to keep the fishing poles so you can trust we will make many more trips across campus to the lake so Randy can get in his man activity as he's dominated by much girly time.

Posted by Hannah Riggs at 8:09 PM 5 comments